8th Annual 'Manufacturing Day 2019' is Set for Oct. 4 Across U.S. | Trade and Industry Development

8th Annual 'Manufacturing Day 2019' is Set for Oct. 4 Across U.S.

May 06, 2019
Manufacturing Day℠ is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. Manufacturing Day occurs on the first Friday in October — this year Manufacturing Day is October 4, 2019.
Manufacturing Day is an opportunity to showcase the amazing work manufacturers do on a daily basis and to educate students, community members, media and policymakers on how integral manufacturing is to the local, national and global economy.
Last year, during the seventh annual Manufacturing Day, nearly 3,000 events took place across the country where manufacturers and educators opened their doors, offered plant tours and engaged their community. Thousands of students, parents, and teachers learned about the rewarding careers that manufacturing offers, and experienced first-hand about the high-tech innovations in 21st century manufacturing. 
Manufacturing Day expands knowledge and improves public perception about manufacturing by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing really is. Visit www.mfgday.com to learn more.
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