November/December 2006 | Trade and Industry Development

November/December 2006

Trade & Industry Development Magazine

With advances in technology, manufacturing productivity has increased with less dependence on workers.  This issue of T&ID explores the intricate balance between workers and technology, all with an eye toward the proper model for expanding your business.
In order to compete on a global stage, companies have sought to achieve optimal performance through streamlined processes and enhanced technology.  Some companies have found this through automation.  Others have found it through clustering.  As explored in our “Special Report” column, the plastics industry has benefited from the grouping of industry professionals and resources in geographical areas, thereby pooling resources, technology and workers.
The “Feature” articles cover the intricacies of business expansion for both the plastics and metals industry providing a blueprint from which to work.  Our state “Spotlights,” provided by Texas, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Michigan present numerous programs designed to enhance your operations.