September/October 2009 | Trade and Industry Development

September/October 2009

Trade & Industry Development Magazine

September/October 2009

While having a relaxed dinner the other night, my husband and I had another one of our little "dream sessions" - we chatted about some of the things we're looking forward to doing when we retire. One of the things at the top of my (long) list is travel...but with a twist! I would love to make a trip that centers around visiting different manufacturing facilities. To be honest, I really don't care what they're manufacturing; I just find it fascinating to watch all of those machines turning raw materials into finished products.

In this issue

Case Study - Cecil County, MD

BY: Jennifer Alten

Nestled a short distance between two populous metropolitan areas and bisected by transportation behemoth Interstate 95 is Cecil County, Maryland, an area known for its “can-do” attitude and business-friendly culture. With approximately 4,500 people (nearly 15 percent) of its population working in manufacturing, this number will continue to grow.   more....