More than 62 percent of companies are planning activities around Manufacturing Day on Friday, Oct. 4, to help educate students on careers in the manufacturing center, according to an online poll by Trade & Industry Development magazine.
Held annually on the first Friday in October, Manufacturing Day helps showcase modern manufacturing careers and inspire the next generation of manufacturers by encouraging thousands of companies and educational institutions around the country to open their doors to students, parents, teachers and community leaders.
In the Trade & Industry Development poll, another 28 percent of respondents said they plan to take part in Manufacturing Day but had not yet scheduled an event. Manufacturing Day events will take place across the country. (To find nearby events, visit
“As a key resource in the site selection arena for businesses, Trade & Industry Development is excited to help promote Manufacturing Day and to see the support this initiative has among companies in the U.S.,” says T&ID Publisher Scott Swoger. “Showcasing careers in manufacturing to students across the country will help to boost skilled labor in this country and keep a vital sector of our economy strong for years to come.”
The poll was on Trade & Industry Development’s website,, for the month of September. A new one-question poll currently on the website for October also concerns manufacturing and asks how effective efforts have been at transforming the image of manufacturing as a career to make it more appealing.
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