Hickey and Associate’s annual 2021 Global Innovation Hubs report outlines and evaluates the factors currently driving business innovation and transformation. The company's international team of analysts and consultants rigorously assessed thousands of data points across more than 340 markets to identify the top global cities for innovation.
Hickey is an organization dedicated to innovation through the frame of site selection and location strategy. Defining what makes a city an innovation hub provides our team and clients with an additional layer of information to consider when searching for future locations or reassessing current ones.
The 2021 Global Innovation Hubs report is available now. Learn about:
· Which cities are leading the world in business transformation?
· Which smaller cities deliver the most "bang for your buck?"
· Which cities have developed a specialization in specific industries?
High-level findings include:
· 23% of all patent activity in the Medical Science field comes from Santa Rosa, CA.
· FinTech experienced the quickest growth (45%) of any patent group between 2020 and 2021.
· Automotive patent activity in the top 9 global hubs is greater than that of the remaining 328 cities analyzed.
Where and why a business is located has never been more important, as the set of variables to consider during the site selection process have evolved to become exponentially more vast, dynamic, and complex to interpret.
Download the 2021 Global Innovation Hubs Report at: https://www.hickeyandassociates.com/gih-2021
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