General Electric (GE) Aerospace, a world-leading provider of jet and turboprop engines, components and integrated systems for commercial, military, bu...
Kineticos Life Sciences, a Raleigh investment firm, has formed a startup to develop a new generation of antibiotics that can overcome drug-resistant i...
Eli Lilly and Company announced at a press conference in Washington, D.C., plans to bolster its domestic medicine production across therapeutic areas ...
Belk is proud to announce the opening of two new outlet stores this spring at the Eastridge Mall in Gastonia and Triangle Town Center Mall in Raleigh....
North Carolina Gov. Josh Stein announced high-precision manufacturer Syntec Precision Technology Corporation will create 34 new jobs in Vance County. ...
Groninger USA announced through the City of Charlotte that it will invest $15.1 million and create 60 new jobs paying an average of $76,037. The expan...
DetraPel, Inc., a clean-tech advanced materials company, will relocate its headquarters and advanced manufacturing operations to Charlotte. The compan...
H&H Bagels, the iconic New York City bagel brand, announced the signing of three additional franchising groups expanding to markets in Miami, Raleigh-...
Solvias, a global provider of chemistry, manufacturing, and control (CMC) analytics and headquartered in Switzerland, announced the opening of its cut...