Co. will renovate an abandoned building into a second milk production facility to produce powdered milk used by premium chocolate manufacturers.
Morinaga, founded in Tokyo, will blend syrup, sugar, flavorings and other ingredients to produce soft candy at new NC facility.
Investment includes construction of new feed mill facility in Pinckard and a $10M renovation of its poultry processing facility in Enterprise.
New order distribution system, able to hold 155,000 boxes of beef, to be housed in new 62,000-sq.-ft. building constructed for that purpose.
Investment includes the addition of stills, barrel warehouses and related infrastructure to support the expanding operations.
The plant, which makes ready-to-drink beverages, currently employs 410 workers and ranks as one of the region’s largest employers.
Supplier of food, home, personal care products' investment at its New Century spreads mfg. facility includes expansion, new machinery, equipment.
Poultry processing co. to invest $5.4M in facility, plus contract with a significant number of growers from El Dorado and Union County.
Nation’s largest seafood company to invest $41M, convert former Chiquita building.
Investment supports new equipment, infrastructure at existing site and retain ~400 jobs, create at least 45 new jobs at the facility.