Louisiana Economic Development has launched a new grant program to support improvement projects and promote further growth in certified Louisiana Development Ready Communities.
The $100,000 program will award $10,000 to 10 parishes or municipalities to defray community development expenses such as marketing, infrastructure improvements, grant writing and matching funds.
“In every corner of Louisiana, communities are overflowing with progress, promise and potential,” said Stacey Duvic, LED senior director of community competitiveness. “LED is excited to provide additional support for our LDRCs, which have demonstrated such a strong commitment to attracting jobs and opportunity to their communities. We encourage all 58 certified communities to take advantage of this opportunity, and encourage other communities to become certified so that they, too, can become eligible for these funds and other forms of LED support.”
The LDRC program, which was established in 2009, helps Louisiana towns, villages, cities and parishes of all sizes become more competitive for new investment and jobs by guiding selected communities through the process of creating and implementing a strategic economic development plan. By following the individualized plan for multiple years, participants leverage local assets and address unique challenges to empower business growth in their communities.
The application period begins Friday, March 1, and continues through Friday, May 31. The two-page entry form can be downloaded here and submitted to LED Senior Director of Community Competitiveness Stacey Duvic via email at stacey.duvic@la.gov.
Entries will be reviewed by an LED-led evaluation committee and award winners will be announced July 1. Recipients have until June 30, 2025, to utilize program funds. The grant will provide funding on a cost reimbursement basis in adherence with state requirements.
Only communities that have completed the LDRC certification process are eligible to apply. For more information about the program, visit OpportunityLouisiana.com/LDRC.
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