Surrounded by lush national forest, yet positioned in the heart of a dynamic industrial-military corridor. A place of timeless traditions and 21st century competitiveness, where life moves with an inviting rhythm while industry moves ahead with rapid access to global and domestic markets as well as strategic proximity to aerospace, automotive and steel manufacturing. Stone County has a shovel ready site that is geared to the security of defense.
McHenry East Industrial Site
11 buildings, two miles of paved road
Remote operated gate and security camera system
Electricity and public water capable of heavy industrial load
66,000 square feet of covered workspace
Sits of 465 acres of leased land
Stone County School Board is the Lessor
Significant land is available for custom building
Desoto National Forest to the South prevents encroachment
Secure perimeter fencing
Per square foot based on Analysis of Comparable Rentals
Office area $7.50 per sq foot
Loading dock distribution warehouse space $3.00 per sq foot
Container Warehouses $2.00 per sq foot
Stone County stands tall. Security, sustainability: Stone County leading the world-and making the planet a better place; a county with all the resources and routes for productivity, profitability and leading global success.
Location and multimodal logistics for global and domestic access:
Stone County’s South Mississippi location puts industry just 20 miles north of I-10 and 29 miles south of I-59, with the services of more than two dozen motor freight carriers. The area is also served by Kansas City Southern Railroad, and offers convenient access to 6 general aviation and commercial airports and 5 deepwater ports providing strategic entrée to global markets.
Dynamic synergies: Stone County’s thriving industry presents multiple cluster opportunities, as does the County’s location in the Mississippi Gulf Coast region, where competitive advantages and assets include:
One of only 10 NASA field stations in the nation. In addition to testing rocketry, the John C. Stennis Space Center hosts the U.S. Navy’s cadre of oceanographers, the largest concentration in the U.S.
One of the few locations where un-manned aerial systems may currently be flown.
One of only four U.S. locations with an Army National Guard aviation classification depot, and a commercial airport that hosts an Air National Guard Combat Readiness Training Center.
Home to one of the world’s fastest supercomputers, operated by the Naval Oceanographic Office.
Stone County also offers the assets and advantages of the broader multi-state I-10 Aerospace Corridor with proximity to key aerospace and steel suppliers, including Airbus and Thyssen Krupp.
Stone County strikes the perfect work/life balance. We support growing industry with strategic economic resources and a can-do attitude; we support growing families with superb municipal services and a quality of life that is second to none. Stone County is great for business, great for people, too.
Visit http://stonecounty.com/interactive_map/mchenry_east to learn more about the McHenry East Site and everything Stone County has to offer. Come leverage a wealth of best-in-class assets in a heritage-rich area that is deeply and naturally resourceful.
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