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The State Controlling Board recently approved grants administered by the Ohio Department of Development that are expected to create 353 jobs and retain 836 positions. Six Ohio businesses will receive more than $1.5 million in economic development grants to aid economic growth, leveraging more than $163 million in additional investment in the state.
"Now is the time to invest in job growth in Ohio," said Mark Kvamme, Director of the Ohio Department of Development. "These substantial company investments are creating jobs for Ohioans and making Ohio more attractive to businesses looking for a state that's open for business."
CoverMyMeds, LLC will receive a $100,000 Rapid Outreach Grant for the costs associated with the acquisition of new machinery and equipment in support of the company's expansion project in the City of Columbus (Franklin County). In addition, the company will construct the necessary infrastructure to support expansive prior authorization submissions for a variety of prescription drugs. CoverMyMeds is a service organization that assists health care professionals with submitting authorization from a free website, allowing patients access to their prescriptions in a matter of minutes. The $750,000 project is expected to create 67 jobs and retain 14 positions.
General Mills Operations, LLC will receive a $100,000 Rapid Outreach Grant for the costs associated with the acquisition of new machinery and equipment in support of the company's expansion project in the City of Sharonville (Hamilton County). In addition, the company will install new product manufacturing lines that will modernize the current cereal manufacturing operations and make the facility globally competitive. General Mills is the sixth largest food company in the world, manufacturing and marketing branded consumer foods to more than 100 countries, while operating 38 manufacturing plants and employing 29,000 employees worldwide. The $45 million project is expected to create 18 jobs and retain 150 positions.
Miami Township will receive a Roadwork Development Grant worth more than $1.05 million for the costs associated with the completion of public roadwork improvements in support of Optivus Proton Therapy, Inc.'s projects in Miami Township (Montgomery County). The project involves the construction of a public roadway that will provide direct access to Wood Road and Austin Boulevard. The new roadway will include three 12-foot drive lines, curbs, and gutters with additional dedicated turn lanes onto Austin Boulevard. The $15.9 million project is expected to create 78 jobs.
Quality ElectroDynamics, LLC will receive a $60,000 Rapid Outreach Grant for the costs associated with the acquisition of new machinery and equipment in support of the company's expansion project in Mayfield Village (Cuyahoga County). In addition, the company will lease a facility to increase its sales and presence in the medical imaging market. Quality ElectroDynamics is a privately-owned company involved in the research, development, and manufacturing of magnetic resonance imaging radio frequency coils for human body imaging. The $2.4 million project is expected to create 60 jobs and retain 60 positions.
TSS Technologies, Inc. will receive a $45,000 Rapid Outreach Grant for the costs associated with the acquisition of new machinery and equipment in support of the company's expansion project in the Village of Woodlawn (Hamilton County). In addition, the company will expand its fabrication and components manufacturing business. Founded in 1948, TSS has become a national leader in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of components and assemblies for medical systems, systems integration and engineering, as well as aviation and marine power. The more than $5.3 million project is expected to create 50 jobs and retain 104 positions.
United States Steel Corporation will receive a $200,000 Rapid Outreach Grant for the costs associated with the acquisition of new machinery and equipment in support of the company's expansion project in the City of Lorain (Lorain County). In addition, the company will heat treat and will finish tubing and casing products used in the exploration of natural gas and fossil fuels. United States Steel is an integrated steel producer, manufacturing a wide range of value-added steel, sheet, and tubular products for the automotive, appliance, container, industrial machinery, construction, and oil and gas industries. The more than $93.6 million project is expected to create 80 jobs and retain 508 positions.
The Rapid Outreach Grant is a grant program to assist companies and communities that are creating or retaining jobs in Ohio. The Roadwork Development Account provides grant assistance to communities for highway and road projects related to job creation and retention. The Roadwork Development Account is funded with gas tax dollars and is restricted to public road projects only.
Working with our partners across business, state and local governments, academia, and the nonprofit sector, the Ohio Department of Development works to attract, create, grow, and retain businesses through competitive incentives and targeted investments. Engaged every day in marketing, innovating, investing, and collaborating, the Ohio Department of Development works at the speed of business to accelerate and support the teamwork that is necessary for success by providing financial, informational, and technical assistance to those making an investment in Ohio's future.