UT: Riverdale to Be Location for the Sixth Trader Joe's Grocery Store in Utah | Trade and Industry Development

UT: Riverdale to Be Location for the Sixth Trader Joe's Grocery Store in Utah

Dec 30, 2024

City leaders in Riverdale, Utah, a regional commercial hub, announced recently that a Trader Joe's grocery store will be coming to the city. The new store will be located on busy Riverdale Road, home to numerous big box chains and other retail outlets.

"We're super excited. I've never been more excited to announce a business than this," Mayor Braden Mitchell said at an announcement ceremony recently. "There probably won't be very many Trader Joe's in northern Utah, so we feel really lucky."

Mitchell said Trader Joe's reps signed the lease for the space where the market will be located in a strip mall. Brandon Cooper, community development director in Riverdale, said the new locale — which will become Utah's sixth Trader Joe's — should open in June after the site is remodeled.

Riverdale and Weber County citizens and leaders waged an intense campaign dating back around 18 months to lure Trader Joe's to the city. Leaders were tabbed in different zones of the city to spearhead outreach by citizens.

Cooper estimates the Trader Joe's location will contain 12,000-13,000 square feet, on par with other locations. He's not sure how many it will employ but said other locations typically have 20-30 workers per shift, including full-time and part-time workers.

The other Trader Joe’s locations in Utah include Cottonwood Heights, Draper and Orem. The retailer has two stores in Salt Lake City, according to its website.