In 2024, the State of Kansas announced a number of projects ñ both new ventures and expansions ñ that aim to bring more investment and more jobs to regions all across Kansas, both urban and rural. In addition, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly announced a number of initiatives to expand job training, business investments, broadband coverage and the revitalization of downtown areas in rural communities. In this section, we have highlighted some of the most dynamic projects that Kansas has notched in 2024.
Tool Manufacturer to Locate in Wyandotte County
In August, Governor Kelly announced that MARSHALLTOWN, a supplier of high-quality tools and products to major brands such as Lowe’s and Home Depot, plans to invest $27 million to build a new distribution center in Wyandotte County. MARSHALLTOWN will place its new 200,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in the Scannell Properties’ 435 Logistics Park. The new facility will act as the company’s satellite location and will include warehouse space and distribution. Once the project is completed, MARSHALLTOWN is expected to create 40 new jobs in the Kansas City area.
Elanco Invests in Elwood Site to Foster Canine Monoclonal Antibody Manufacturing

Also in August, Elanco Animal Health Inc. announced that it is investing $130 million to expand and renovate its manufacturing facility in Elwood, Kansas. The expansion in Doniphan County is expected to create approximately 70 new jobs over the next two years. Elanco is located within the Animal Health Corridor, which is the single largest concentration of businesses working to improve animal health worldwide. Elanco’s Elwood site currently manufactures and ships its Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody and will be the flagship location for Elanco’s future monoclonal antibody manufacturing. This product is the first and only USDA conditionally approved targeted treatment for parvovirus, which affects an estimated 330,000 dogs annually in the U.S. The expansion will add the needed capacity to support Elanco’s growth in monoclonal antibody innovation.
Summit Truck Bodies to Build New Plant in Wathena
In late July, Summit Truck Bodies (STB), a service and lube truck body manufacturing company, announced plans to invest $50 million to construct a new state-of-the-art facility in Wathena, Kansas. The strategic expansion, which will double the company’s production output and create 80 new jobs, aims to meet the rising demand for high-quality service trucks. The new plant is being built next to its existing facility, and construction is expected to be completed in 20 months. The new facility will include a 200,000-square-foot manufacturing space and 20,000 square feet dedicated to office spaces and showrooms.
Kansas Awards 12 ISPs with Rural Broadband Acceleration Grants
In an effort to boost communication in rural parts of Kansas, Governor Kelly announced in July that $10 million has been awarded to 12 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the latest round of Broadband Acceleration Grants. The awards will be paired with an additional $12.7 million in matching funds, resulting in an investment of nearly $22.7 million for high-speed broadband access projects across 14 rural Kansas counties.
“By connecting every region of the state to reliable high-speed internet, we can ensure Kansans have the resources to invest in themselves and our state,” said Governor Kelly at the time of the announcement. “Broadband drives innovation, unlocks potential and ensures everyone can participate in services essential for economic, educational and industrial growth.”
KMW Chooses Sterling, Kansas for $105 Million North American Headquarters
In April, KMW, a precision manufacturer of agricultural front loaders, backhoes and other attachments, said it plans to invest $105 million to construct a new North American headquarters and state-of-the-art production facility in Sterling, Kansas. The venture will create 251 new jobs, resulting in a local workforce of 485. KMW selected Sterling in Rice County after a rigorous competition among Midwestern states. In addition to the headquarters, moving to the 151-acre site on the north side of Sterling will allow KMW to continue growing its manufacturing capabilities.
Battery Component Manufacturer H&T Recharge Chooses De Soto for $110 Investment
In the late spring, H&T Recharge, one of the largest battery component manufacturers in the world, stated that it plans to invest $110 million and create 180 new jobs in De Soto, Kansas. Leading cell manufacturer Panasonic Energy chose H&T Recharge as its strategic supplier for cylindrical battery cans at the new EV battery facility currently under construction. H&T is recognized as a world leader in precision cylindrical battery components for the lithium-ion battery can market. In De Soto, H&T will install four new fully automated battery can production lines for mass manufacturing volumes. The product and process development operations will be at H&T’s Center of Excellence in Marsberg, Germany.
Elite Harness to Create 110 New Jobs in Wellington
Also in the late spring, Elite Harness announced plans to invest $14 million and create 110 new jobs in Wellington, Kansas. Elite Harness will refurbish an existing facility into a 50,000-square-foot state-of-the-art manufacturing plant. Elite will produce wiring harnesses and custom cables for various sectors, including automotive, industrial, agricultural, aerospace and other industries requiring electrical connections. The wiring harness and custom cable market currently is a $90 billion industry poised for significant growth over the next decade. Elite is committed to staying at the forefront of this industry by employing the most advanced equipment and leveraging the latest technology.
Orange EV Opens New Facility in Kansas City, Kansas

In April, Orange EV celebrated the recent ribbon cutting on a new 440,000-square-foot, $37 million facility in Kansas City, Kansas, which is bringing 185 new skilled manufacturing jobs to the region. The new facility has the ability to produce more than 200 trucks per month. Orange EV sought a larger facility in the Kansas City region to grow while remaining close to its current operation in Riverside, Missouri. They found a place that met their specifications for manufacturing and assembly needs, along with an expanded office area, in the Turner Logistics Center in Kansas City, Kansas. Orange EV’s electric trucks provide significant fuel savings over diesel yard trucks. Since they can be charged on site, electric trucks are more efficient in reducing downtime otherwise needed for fueling. Orange EV’s zero-emission trucks also are smoother and quieter to operate.
Kansas Releases $1.4 Million for Rural Economic Development
Early in 2024, Governor Laura Kelly announced the most recent round of award recipients for the Historic Economic Asset Lifeline (HEAL) grant program, which was created to help rural communities revitalize downtown buildings and create safer downtowns with more job opportunities. A total of 21 projects from across the state will receive almost $1.4 million, along with more than $3.4 million in private local matching funds.
“Vibrant, safe downtowns spur economic growth by attracting businesses and jobs and establishing community pride,” Governor Kelly said. “Investments like this bring life back into these communities and are instrumental to their long-term success.” The Kansas Department of Commerce’s Office of Rural Prosperity, Community Development Division, and Kansas Main Street collaborate on HEAL to revitalize underutilized and dilapidated downtown structures where the cost to rehabilitate exceeds the limit that conventional financing can cover. T&ID