November/December 2008 | Trade and Industry Development

November/December 2008

Trade & Industry Development Magazine

November/December 2008

Metals, Plastics, & Logistics

In our Feature article on metals, William Hearn discusses how the metals industry is a broad manufacturing industry; he also cites other niche metals opportunity markets. If you're in the plastics industry, you'll definitely want to read our Feature article written by Michael P. Hickey. In his article, Mike discusses key drivers and factors for success in location strategies for the plastics industry. Then Kevin Mayer's Special Report, "The Vital Many," explains the basic structure of the polymer industry - one sector produces resins or raw plastics, the other sector processes raw plastics into finished products. If you're more into logistics, our Feature article by Leslie Rubin and Sarah Rubin is a must read. These two ladies teamed up to explain how you can impact your bottom line with economic incentives. This issue also boasts three Industry Outlooks: the Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT), the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI), and the International Warehouse Logistics Association (IWLA).

In this issue

The Valleys of Southern Idaho - a Logistics and Warehousing Powerhouse

BY: Jennifer Alten

“It’s all about the location,” the saying goes in real estate. That’s never been truer than in the eight-county area called The Valleys of Southern Idaho, where business in the warehousing and logistics sectors are booming. While some of this new enterprise stems from companies that focus on distribution, others have chosen south central Idaho for the distribution arm of their business. more....