Engineering services co. for auto\med. device markets' 2nd Troy location will serve as its technical and training center for the region.
The company plans to invest over $4.6M to open its Kansas City office, where it will consolidate its global administrative operations.
The project will be supported by a $2M loan from Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, create 25 jobs.
Swiss-based leader in acoustic, thermal management solutions for automotive industry to lease, equip Jeffersonville mfg., distribution facility.
Technology-based marketing agency serving the pharmaceutical industry currently employs 340, adding 350 jobs at 90,000 sq.-ft. new office.
Texas-based manufacturer, supplier of oil and gas, will bring approximately 200 jobs to Madison County over the next several years.
Project will create one of the largest Tier III data centers in the Midwest.
AB BioTechnologies, Inc. and TASUS Corporation plan to expand their operations in Bloomington, creating up to a combined 15 new jobs.
Manufacturer of laser cut steel parts will invest $1,289,000 to open the Pomona facility.
Nearly all of the nation’s 363 metropolitan areas expected to see real economic growth in 2014, unlike in 2013 when 97 declined.