The Community Impact portion of the 2008 CiCi awards highlights projects that have profound implicat...
“Quality in, quality out” – that is a fitting motto for any region that hopes to create a leading biotech sector. Ultimately, the...
In recent years, communities looking to develop a local pharmaceutical presence have faced an increa...
Assemble the right ingredients. Apply the right stimulus. And watch for signs of life. This procedur...
“To put it simply: Tennessee is on the move in the alternative fuels marketplace,” declared Governor...
With the price of a barrel of oil approaching $100, and gasoline over $3 per gallon, anyone driving ...
A more diverse economy – that is the perennial goal of any region. And the capital region of Louisiana is no exception. While Baton Rouge and...
When devising plans to attract the polymer industry, economic development officials should welcome w...
Now more than ever, Mississippi is at the forefront of leading edge technology and state-of-the-art ...
The world is flatter than it used to be. But it isn’t entirely flat, even though the title of a best...