Against a backdrop of Caterpillar construction equipment and hills of red dirt, representatives from Auburn University and area governments broke grou...
Heart of Georgia Metal Crafters to expand in Dodge County Metal fabrication company will invest $550,000 to expand facility at Heart of Georgia Region...
Draper Laboratory, a not-for-profit research and development laboratory that employs more than 850 engineers, scientists and technicians across the co...
Expansion to bring 100 manufacturing jobs to Roane County Mustang Survival Manufacturing Inc. marked its 10th anniversary by announcing plans to expan...
NCR to move corporate headquarters to Georgia Fortune 500 company’s headquarters relocation, new ATM manufacturing facility will bring a total of 2,12...
Raytheon Co. * has received a *$27 million* contract for engineering services for the Patriot Air and Missile Defense System. Located in Waltham*, Ray...