Upgrade will support production of the all-new 2.7-liter EcoBoost(R) engine for the 2015 F-150.
Heat exchange co. to add additional 1.6M sq. ft. to the existing 180,000-sq.-ft. facility located at the end of Decatur County Industrial park.
By 2017, more than 2.5M new Ecotec engines are projected to be built annually in at least five manufacturing locations around the globe.
Slated to close in 2010, the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant rises from the ashes with nearly $1B in investments.
Fifteen U.S. companies that announced economic development projects in 2013 that will make a big imp...
Trade & Industry Development magazine’s annual recognition of the best of the best in economic devel...
Fifteen U.S. corporations that announced extraordinary capital investments for new facilities or maj...
Co. to shift from Mexico to Ohio Assembly Plant to produce all-new 2016 F-650 and F-750 medium-duty trucks starting early in 2015.
Supplier of flatbed trailer and intermodal chassis equipment will lease, renovate and equip a 50,000 sq.-ft. building in Winamac.
Advance Engineering Company, Magna Exteriors and Interiors USA, Inc, and The MANN+HUMMEL Group are all expanding in Michigan.