A chronicle of what midsize companies face when defining the optimum location for the company headqu...
General Motors chose Chandler for its 4th Information Technology Innovation Center, allowing it to in-source innovation capabilities.
From self-financing to traditional lending sources to government financing, the author shows you way...
American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) reports shows states where utilities are embracing wind power.
Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation forecasts inflation-adjusted GDP will expand by 1.8% in 2013 and 2.8% in 2014.
Why knowledge workers need a stronger influence on the design and operation of corporate workplaces ...
New state export data show 29 states set new records for export sales in 2012.
Learn how Ex-Im Bank helps more American companies to sell more products and services to more places...
Why effective economic development incentive programs must have clear objectives, mutual benefit, tr...
ABB, a multinational corporation headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, to double its Bartlesville footprint with additional 100,000 sq. ft.