Co.would purchase 1,300 acres of the Robert Farms site near the Gramercy Bridge for $25M, develop on ~200 acres of that site.
Company will deliver technology solutions as an anchor tenant of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette’s Research Park.
Investment would create 65 new direct jobs at nation’s third-largest refinery which is located in Garyville.
The $1B in project investments in LA over the past four years tripled production capacity of world's largest hydrogen pipeline network system.
Manufacturing facility near Springhill to produce transportation infrastructure components; HQ relocating from Temple, Texas.
Oil- and gas-rich areas in, near Great Plains contained many of the fastest-growing areas in the U.S. last year, according to U.S. Census Bureau.
Trade & Industry Development magazine’s annual recognition of the best of the best in economic devel...
Fifteen U.S. companies that announced economic development projects in 2013 that will make a big imp...
Company will deliver technology solutions as an anchor tenant in the 3,000-acre National Cyber Research Park in Bossier City.
Project retained 75 jobs, created 70 new direct jobs, an estimated 384 indirect jobs for a total of 454 new jobs + 2,000 construction jobs.