Global Packaging Solutions, Inc., which provides quality short run flexible packaging, pressure sensitive labels and folding cartons for clients in a wide variety of industries, will be expanding its operations in Albemarle, N.C., and adding four (4) jobs and investing $1.5 million in machinery and equipment within the next 12 months. The company began operating in 2005 with the goal to utilize almost a century of packaging experience to offer innovated packaging solutions using the latest technologies, remain on the leading edge of market trends, and exceed customers’ expectations of exceptional service and quality.
Public hearings for a performance-based business development incentive were conducted on Monday, June 6 by the City of Albemarle and Stanly County. The goal of local incentives is to encourage new investment and induce job creation. Jim Anderson, President of Global Packaging Solutions, Inc. is excited about the company’s continued growth. “We have been blessed beyond measure; our success is due to the continued dedication and hard work of our employees. We truly appreciate the support of Stanly County and the City of Albemarle. If we did not have their continued support in every way from utility support to support of expansion projects, our expansion would be much slower and possibly would not happen. From all our employees, ‘thank you very much’.”
The Stanly County Economic Development Commission and Stanly County Board of Commissioners extend their gratitude to the company and to the City of Albemarle for their existing industry support. “We appreciate Global Packaging Solutions’ additional investment and job creation in our community, and stand ready to support our existing industries’ continued growth,” stated Tommy Jordan, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners.
Gerald R. “Ronnie” Michael, City of Albemarle Mayor added, “The City of Albemarle is focused on continuing the economic growth we’re experiencing by retaining successful businesses. We’re committed to supporting career opportunities for our residents and investment that keeps our City moving forward.”