A $4.2M investment will allow gun manufacturer to renovate and expand into a new building, double workforce.
New facility includes open-plan, private offices for 85 employees + a training center for customer and internal training, educational programs.
Project awarded state Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG), voted on by state Economic Investment Committee on April 8, 2014.
Investment by medical device, technology co. in Rutherford County stems from consolidation of operations at its Canton, MI facility.
Developer of planning and scheduling software for the transportation and logistics industry has offices in Gainesville, India and Armenia.
Governor:"The state has worked hard to support the redevelopment of Smithville since the tornado devastated the town three years ago."
The $1B in project investments in LA over the past four years tripled production capacity of world's largest hydrogen pipeline network system.
Provider of innovative machining solutions to automotive and aerospace industries to build new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Greer.
Co. will locate new polyurethane foam molding plant in the Manchester Industrial Park, with a goal of doubling its molding capacity.
Technology and software provider for education agencies will occupy the 21,210 sq.-ft. space, centralize all Thinkgate operations.