Office complex to be built at the CityLine development in Richardson. Raytheon will occupy 489,000 sq. ft. in three buildings.
Oil- and gas-rich areas in, near Great Plains contained many of the fastest-growing areas in the U.S. last year, according to U.S. Census Bureau.
Nanotechnology company has leased a 5,000 sq.-ft. building at 7620 North Hartman Lane, Marana and plans a $6M capital investment.
This landmark building is the only office building of its kind on the Ship Channel; houses Intermarine’s technical, ops., traffic, terminal teams.
The 101,000 sq.-ft. facility includes more overhead doors and larger warehouse space to conduct operations.
Fifteen U.S. companies that announced economic development projects in 2013 that will make a big imp...
Trade & Industry Development magazine’s annual recognition of the best of the best in economic devel...
Fifteen U.S. corporations that announced extraordinary capital investments for new facilities or maj...
Construction of 22,000 sq.-ft. building with open-design floor plan reflects Heartland culture and affords space for future growth.
Community association management firm cut the ribbon on a new, state-of-the-art, 60,000 sq.-ft. shared services center in Richardson.