Find out what the future holds for the plastics industry, and why the United States will be at the h...
Several geographic concentrations have emerged historically and continue to impact metals industry l...
Wind farms helping revitalize communities by generating new taxes, lease payments to landowners, econ. dev. revenues, new jobs.
New HQ facility has individual, open and private meeting spaces, latest tech on 6 floors and mezzanine for 1,800 employees and more expected.
Provider of tactical aircraft services to US defense agencies, contractors, NATO allies to hire primarily US military veterans for 200 jobs.
Location decisions for manufacturing plants are being influenced by a great number of current/emergi...
Offshoring for cheap labor has lost much of its strength, and companies are adopting a total cost an...
Aerospace and energy firm to invest over $200M in its corporate campuses to build a manufacturing plant and offices in Loves Park, Illinois.
World's leading enterprise cloud computing co.,, expands into new 100,000 sq.-ft. facility in River North, creating 200 jobs.
Leading global distributor of communication and security products consolidating in new HQ facility, retaining 60, adding 66 jobs.