Co. is re-shoring production, adding 26,000 square feet of manufacturing capacity, with the anticipation of added jobs.
Manufacturer of extruded plastic sheet products to build a new 160,000 sq.-ft. production, warehouse and corporate office facility.
Project to expand refrigerated space to accommodate growing storage demands from cheese manufacturers and the food industry.
In addition to adding new product lines in hand tools and accessories, the $6M investment expected to create 128 jobs at Brookfield HQ.
This $11.6 million investment represents a consolidation, as well as an integration, of two separate but related cancer treatment facilities.
Centrally located in the U.S. manufacturing & agri region, many consider Wisconsin one of the best p...
Cheese co.'s largest capitalization project to date to increase production capacity, improve technology of whey processing facility.
Several geographic concentrations have emerged historically and continue to impact metals industry l...
The supply chain management evolution is making companies re-evaluate what they look for when making...
Ports have reinvented the import/export process--a look into the ports of today and tomorrow.